Sunday, March 9, 2014

Chapter 3: Due To The Dead

Dear Journal:

I took Miraj's advice, and decided to go to school.

I also forgot how much I hate field trips. Especially field trips to the cemetery.

What's so great about the place? It's full of dead people, like it always is.

The only thing that really changes is exactly how many there are in the place. I mean, just a short time ago, they added one.

I really didn't want to go see him, but I knew I had to. Had to make sure they didn't dump his fat corpse into a river or something.

Sure enough, he was somewhere in the back.

Wasn't exactly the ideal spot, but I guess as long as he didn't end up unmarked. This way, I could take Miraj to see him if he wanted.

But you know what's worse than knowing there's dead people surrounding you?

Actually seeing them.

I guess the graveyard is the point where the border between the living and dead is at its weakest. I sure as hell don't expect to see ghosts in broad daylight, though.

I almost wanted to tell them not to try and siphon out my life force. I rather would want to stay in the world of the living.

Funny part is, I also wondered what it was like on the other side. Maybe it's just the same over in whatever afterlife these idiots ended up.

...Either way, graveyards are too damn quiet. I was actually glad to get going and get to work.

Hey, we got bills to pay. And at least I didn't get a job at the Mausoleum.

I think I've had enough of those kinds of places for a while.

(End of Chapter 3.)

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