Sunday, April 27, 2014

Chapter 10: Brother in Arms

Dear Journal:

What am I supposed in this type of situation?

I mean, Miraj and I got along our whole lives. Suddenly he's getting into shit that he shouldn't be doing, and telling me I suck.

Just...what do I do? I know he's growing up, but I can't tell him how to live his life. I'm not Iqbal.

For the first time in our lives, we went to bed angry at each other.

But Miraj was right, I guess. It did seem hypocritical that I'd get mad at him for doing things I'm known for doing.

Come on, though. Kid knows better than that.

Still, going to bed without saying good night to your bro...Damn, that kinda smarts.

And I guess Miraj felt the same way.

I found some really crude painting on the drawing board this morning. No idea what the fuck it's supposed to be. But I know for a fact that it had to be Miraj that painted it.

Somewhere on the back, I noticed something written on it. Nothing too huge or anything, just said this:

"Sorry I'm such a screw-up."

Normally, I ain't the kind of person to cry. But I'd be lying if I said reading that didn't get me all emotional. Miraj did something wrong, yeah. But that doesn't make him a bad kid.

That's what I told him, anyway.

I remember the sun wasn't up yet. But there he was outside, raking leaves.

How long had he been outside doing that? I don't know. Hell, he probably hadn't even gone to sleep like I hoped.

He didn't even have a coat on, and it was getting cold out.

I called out to him, he didn't respond. Okay, understandable.

He did sort of stop what he was doing when I said his name again. But when he did, I completely forgot what I was going to tell him.

What was there to say, though? "Sorry I'm not setting a good example for you? Sorry I'm all you got left?" Seriously, I didn't know what to tell him.

So I guess I went for the silent route.

Yeah...Actions speak louder than words, or so I hear.

So I guess Miraj and me are talking again.

(End of Chapter 10.)

1 comment:

  1. Awww. I usually forgo the hugging route with my own sibling, but siblings are hard to stay angry at and I'm glad that VJ realizes that.

    Keep up the good work!
